Magazzino Brancaccio is a ca. 2000 square meters warehouse, located in Via Natale Carta 1 and 3. Registered under the company name Sea Beach Immobiliare Srl, it is situated in the immediate surroundings of the High School for Humanities and Languages “Danilo Dolci”, Via Fichidindia, Palermo.

Part of the properties confiscated from the builder Giovanni Ienna, together with the school where it is located, the warehouse opened to the public for the first time on June 16th 2018, almost twenty years after its seizure.

Read the Open Letter from the students of the High School “Danilo Dolci” for the consignment of the Warehouse. 

Magazzino Brancaccio represents a new and permanent facility for the neighbourhood and the city.

Photos: Luca Savettiere